Friday, April 8, 2011

Hello Grid!

Here I am referring to “The Grid” from Tron. The tie in (because I have become cheesy and silly and am absolutely loving it)? I went to a highlighter party last night. It was my third college party of ever and it was definitely the best. The first was a small gathering of people as a surprise birthday party for a friend and that was nice but mostly I just stood around and watched people play beer pong. The second died when someone drenched the speakers with their drink (and then failed to own up to it *glare*).
This was was legitimately a good time. I got there a bit late (cause I’m busy and got back from a girl’s movie night that involved watching Pan’s Labyrinth cause we aren’t the girls that fear gore [okay, some of us are but we just averted our eyes :D]) and only wandered for about 10 minutes before finding one of my friends to dance with.
And that’s what I did for around the next 40 minutes, danced like a dork with a bunch of my friends also dancing like me. Cause I don’t really do the whole club dancing thing. I’m developing a tolerance to people around me doing so but I’m not about to partake. However I do like, ya know, normal fun dancing. So that was quite a blast.
And then I left. And that was my evening. It was really awesome and I have a highlighter-covered shirt to commemorate it!
Sorority Events: 3
Israeli Dances: 1

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