Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hello New Pretty Town!

I was totally set to go out and get myself a fruit cup from one of the residential cafes and then I decided I’d stay here and eat my strawberries. Cause I’m lazy like that and there will still be fruit cups if I go tomorrow morning.
I would say that this shows how I embody laziness and procrastination, but I just spent the past 3 hours working on linear algebra and understanding dimensions and kernels and images so I’m going to say I’m not as lazy as usual.
And in general I’m not that lazy. I have four classes (which is reasonable to excessive in the quarter system), I’m in a sorority, I try to hang out with friends, and I also try to go to fun activities. But not everything works out timing wise, especially because I dedicate an excessive and unnecessary amount of time to youtube and twitter. So I then run out of time to do anything and have to choose between activities and getting homework done. Normally, my choice is a lack of sleep. Which then forces me not to go to activities because I’m sick (as is the current situation).
For example, I stayed up till 3 two nights ago because I decided to watch Glee. I woke up sick because I’m an idiot. However, I still had a presentation to do today for which I needed to finish research and make a powerpoint last night and was up until, I kid you not, 6 am. Yeah. So I got about 2 and a half hours of sleep, not something that’s in any way, shape, or form healthy. So I’m still sick and the huge downside is that instead of staying on campus to do my linear homework during my TA’s office hours and then programming in the lab and then going to a chocolate seder (essentially a meal consisting entirely of chocolate), I had to go back to my room and sleep for three hours before doing homework.
Yeah, not how I wanted today to go.
I should tie this in to the title now. New Pretty Town is a city where all the teenagers get to party and just have fun with no responsibilities. That’s how we’d want to live. That’s how we sometimes try to live but we can’t and the responsibilities catch up with us. And we have to deal with them or suffer consequences (e.g. sickness). So, this is a reminder to us all (mainly me) to keep on top of the schedule and not fall this far behind. Cause, honestly, it’s not worth having see Glee in the middle of the night or Hank’s new portal video within the first 20 minutes of being posted.
Sorority Events: 8
Israeli Dances: 5

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