Friday, April 29, 2011

Hello Middle Earth!

My programming midterm today was surprisingly Lord of the Rings free. Okay, I know that sentence made no sense. Let me explain. Nearly every single example we’ve done in class that involves some form of text input or output has been LotR based. It’s AWESOME! And all of the practice tests I took while studying (I didn’t actually take a lot but I did at least look over the problems on four) had at least one programming prompt that involved a LotR reference. So you can imagine how disappointed I was this morning when I had to take a test and there was no mention of Frodo.
However, I do believe the test went well so that’s all on the up and up.
So now I know I can get away with dressing up as a superhero and hanging out with friends until 1 in the morning and then taking a programming test at 10. At least I think I can get away with it. I should probably wait until I get my grade before passing final judgement.
Yes, I spent last night dressed up as a superhero. Not any known superhero (though apparently I looked like Nightwing), just a compilation of my friends’ awesome clothes. And then we watched the first two X-Men movies and decided that all of the extras (especially the police) were Nicholas Cage. I honestly don’t even know... My friends are weird and made of awesome.
Which is one little bone I have to pick with some of my friends. Apparently, a few of my friends from high school are nerdfighters but just neglected to tell me that they’re part of this brilliant community that just might be something I would adore. Come on guys! Be proud of Nerdfightaria and spread the love with the people you are stuck sitting next to in class every day. Well, at least the college friends know what’s up. Thanks for introducing me to this amazing community!
Okay, one more day. That day being tomorrow. And I will be summing up this experience.
Sorority Events: 9
Israeli Dances: 5

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