Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hello Alagaesia!

By the way, I am kinda really super excited for Inheritance. I don’t even know why. I really loved Eragon. And Eldest was pretty good. But I don’t remember half of what happened in Brisingr, and the new book means I really do have to reread the first three books and and keep track of the ridiculously extensive subplots. And I mean so extensive that this is going to be a four part trilogy. If you don’t get the oxymoron, wait a moment, get it, and then continue reading. Cause it’s both hilarious and frustrating.
I think my favorite part of The Inheritance Trilogy (or is it being called a “Cycle” now?) is the nostalgia. I read Eragon so long ago. Sixth grade? Fifth grade? Fourth grade? And I loved it because the fantasy genre was my life back then. And the summer after 6th grade I went to my first Comic Con and met and got a picture with Christopher Paolini. Which was absolutely spectacular. Now would be the ideal time to show you said picture, but unfortunately I don’t know where it got lost but it did so at home and I am currently at school. So, no picture :(.
Back on topic, there’s a lot of my middle-school obsession with fantasy tied up in Eragon. There’s also a lot of my writing aspirations tied up in that series. Paolini was only--what--15(?) when he wrote Eragon, which he then self published. And this was back when I really thought I was going to be a writer. No, silly little Merr. I’m not going to be a writer, I’m going to work in math and it is going to be spectacular. You think I’m joking. I’m not. Check the date, it’s the third.
I’m off topic again. The Inheritance Trilogy/Cycle is a powerful reminder of what I loved back when I was little and it still gets to continue and take me back to the “simpler times.” And while I love where I am right now, I’m a sucker for looking back at my past. It’s a guilty pleasure in which I indulge far too often. So I’m excited to have this series resurrected and brought back to the center of my attention, if even for a little while.
So, while the task is daunting, I look forward to rereading the first three books this summer and then getting the fourth in November. Are any of you going to join me in this?
Sorority Events: 1
Israeli Dances: 1

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